The Aerobed Air Mattress is nearing its two decades of existence. That's a lot of years of providing great comfort and well rested sleep for a lot of people who have patronized the product. In the past these beds have been viewed as beds just for camping or travel, but more and more people are realizing how useful these beds are for visitors to your home; both kids and adults.
It is a known fact that nothing beats a good rest. And it can only be achieved if you have the most comfortable bed or mattress to lie down on. But do you have to buy air mattress beds to have that ultimate in sleeping convenience? Let us take a closer look at the other alternatives that you can buy and you probably have been used to all these years.
Furniture Floor Pads
Folding Bed
Almost every home has one, especially apartments and those that do not have an extra room or space for another full sized bed. By itself it is not so comfortable to use because it is usually made of hard materials. However you can put kapok or other softer mattresses over it so you can have a better sleeping time.
Sleeper Sofa
There are many types of this sofa variant. This is a bigger alternative to an air mattress or any ordinary mattress. It is really a full sized sofa that has a part, usually under the sofa, that allows you to pull out the mattress portion. This will then transform the sofa into a complete bed. All you need to do is to put a bed sheet over it and a soft pillow and your guest is all set for a comfy all-nighter. However, these type sofas are generally know for being a very heavy piece of furniture.
Sofa Bed Mattress
Any sofa bed or sleeper sofa needs an actual mattress, usually as an addition to the existing cushion or upholstery which is normally not soft or comfortable enough for most people. This is a great thing because you can then choose the sofa bed style that you want, and then separately pick and purchase a mattress for it. What this means is that even if you don't like the cushion that comes with the sofa that you like, you can just get another mattress to put over it.
Now that we have listed and described the three main alternatives to an Aerobed, why should you still prefer the latter? One good reason is for the comfort that it provides to the sleeper. Because it is made of air, you can easily adjust the softness or the firmness of the bed just by adding or letting out more air. It's all your choice.
Second, you can easily store away an Aerobed in a closet, under another bed or just put it aside in a corner. By simply deflating it, you can pack it wherever you want.
Third, with an air mattress frame you can raise the air mattress off the floor. There are many designs and styles available that you can choose from. If you don't want to use a frame you can still be raised off the floor some by getting an Aero bed Raised. This style is a little more comfortable for adults because it is easier to get up and down to and from. Kids typically like the Aerobed For Kids version.
In the end, it is still your own choice on whichever type of bed that you want to use in your home. However, keep in mind the many factors that you should consider like the amount space that you have, the ease of use (especially during times when you have surprise guests), and also the durability of the product. You are after all buying another piece of furniture that you will certainly expect to give you service for many years to come.
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